Fact Check

Paramount Permanently Banned 'Creepy Clown' Robert De Niro?

"Best news I've seen in a long time!" one Facebook user commented.

Published June 5, 2024

 ( Getty Images)
Image courtesy of Getty Images
In June 2024, Paramount Studios permanently banned actor Robert De Niro, calling him a "creepy clown."

On June 4, 2024, Facebook account @SpaceXFanclub posted that "Paramount Studios" (i.e., Paramount Pictures) banned actor Robert De Niro, reportedly saying, "We don't want anything with that creepy clown."

The post has received more than 3,500 reactions and 1,000 comments, as of this writing. "Best news I've seen in a long time!" One Facebook user commented.

Facebook account @SpaceXFanclub is an offshoot of the "news" site Esspots.com. The Facebook post linked to an Esspots article which began as follows:

Breaking: Robert De Niro Permanently Banned from Paramount Studios, "We Don't Want Anything with That Creepy Clown"

In a stunning turn of events, Hollywood icon Robert De Niro has been permanently banned from Paramount Studios. This drastic measure, reportedly taken due to De Niro's increasingly controversial behavior and outspoken political views, marks a significant moment in the storied career of the legendary actor. Paramount's decision has ignited debates within the industry and among fans, highlighting the growing tension between personal conduct and professional opportunities in Hollywood.

The article was not a factual recounting of real-life events. Esspots describes its output as being humorous or satirical in nature on its "Disclaimer" page, as follows:

Welcome to Esspots.com, a website that specializes in satire, parody, and humor. Before you proceed to read our content, we would like to emphasize that nothing on this website is real. All of the articles, stories, and commentary found on Esspots.com are entirely fictitious and created for the purpose of entertainment only.

We understand that satire can sometimes be mistaken for actual news or events, but we want to make it clear that we do not publish factual or accurate information. We do not intend to deceive or mislead our readers in any way, and all of our content should be taken with a grain of salt.

Our articles and stories often use exaggeration, irony, and sarcasm to make a point, and should not be taken seriously. We do not endorse any political or social views presented on this website, and our content is not meant to be a substitute for actual news or information.

The @SpaceXFanclub Facebook also has the following message in its bio: "We post SATIRE, nothing on this page is real."

We've previously reported on other satirical claims made about various celebrities supposedly refusing to serve, "throwing out," or otherwise refusing to work with Robert De Niro, including Gordon RamsayGuy FieriKevin Costner, and Keanu Reeves.


Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/SpaceX6683/posts/pfbid0jhVNPCj35tJye5vBAUQy4x9Ksj4BYJhccqSbaR7tkdagHsqW3Wjvir3rbY1LXVGel. Accessed 5 June 2024.

Robin, Alex. 'Breaking: Robert De Niro Permanently Banned from Paramount Studios, "We Don't Want Anything with That Creepy Clown"'. Esspots, 4 June 2024, https://esspots.com/breaking-robert-de-niro-permanently-banned-from-paramount-studios-we-dont-want-anything-with-that-creepy-clown/.

Taija PerryCook is a Seattle-based journalist who previously worked for the PNW news site Crosscut and the Jordan Times in Amman.