Fact ChecksOriginated as Satire
Originated as Satire
Originated as Satire
This rating refers to content that originally came from a site described as satire, but was later stripped of some of its satirical markings, repackaged, and posted elsewhere. The rating also applies to content not necessarily labeled as satire but that audiences perceived as satirical nonetheless, such as content from The Onion.

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An online rumor claimed Kevin Costner fired Robert De Niro from his new project, calling him the word disrespectful and saying the quote he doesn't know when to shut up.
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A meme claimed Arrowhead Stadium canceled three Pearl Jam shows in defense of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker.
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An online post claimed Kansas City Chiefs head coach Andy Reid responded to backlash from Harrison Butker's college commencement speech.
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A Facebook post states, "Harrison Butker sets the record straight after the biased media twisted his words using unfair verbatim quotes of things he said." The statement he's claimed to make is, "Everyone is taking what I said out of context. All I said is that we should go back to a better time, like the 50s and 60s. When men were men, and women had more babies than thoughts. When the only 'Me too' movement was one woman saying she was ready for her 4th child, and another woman agreeing."
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A meme claimed Kid Rock banned so-called woke beer from his concerts.
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A fake quote meme claimed Harrison Butker said the words everyone is taking what I said out of context and added all I said is that we should go back to a better time like the 50s and 60s.
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An online rumor claimed Chuck Norris resigned as honorary scoutmaster from Boy Scouts of America and said the words I'm not sure what they represent anymore.
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An online rumor claimed Eagle Scout Vin Diesel pulled a $1 million annual donation to Boy Scouts of America and said the words it's no longer the organization I know and love.
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A rumor claimed the Circle K convenience store and gas station chain discriminated against LGBT job seekers, specifically gay men and trans-women, by automatically weeding out applicants who had been convicted of child sex crimes.
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